

Written in 2013. Rose worked as a principal of a Maasai girls secondary school in Arusha. She is currently the principal of the Maasai School 121 sponsored school which opened in January, 2015.

My Life Story

Rose Lengima

My name is Rose Tureto. I’m a Maasai. I grew up in the family of more than 19 children: my father married 5 wives and my mother was the last wife with 5 children.

In the Maasai community women are not considered in decision making nor going to school.

When I was 11 years old, one of the pastors took me to his house and I found many people were reading Bible. I remember one day I took a Bible and I put it on my bed with the belief that when I woke up the next day I would be able to read and write. I came to realize I could not read through miracles unless I went to school.

From there I started adult education. After few months I started to read few verses in the Bible. After the year the pastor took me to primary school to start standard three(3) because I could read and write and in 1998 I finished standard seven *with high credit to join secondary school.

At the same time my relatives received the bride price of almost 4 cows. I was supposed to get married but I had high marks to join another level of education. I ran away from home to talk with the district commissioner and my teachers about the terrible situation at home and the plan my relatives had. Thanks God that I escaped early marriage.

Through the help of Sister Angelika with her organization of Help for the Maasai I was able to join secondary education** for six years (4-ordinary level and 2-advanced level).

Due to that, my relatives were to pay back the bride price, then I became free.

In 2005 after finishing [high school], the other challenge was how to join university, where to get funds and go for further studies. The university of Dar es Salaam female undergraduate scholarship programe offered me a scholarship for three years for Bachelor of Arts with Education with the aim that I would go back home to educate other ladies.

Now I’m a very committed teacher at Maasai Women Development Organization Secondary School.

Generally I can say that I got education through the help of some Samaritans -people who are real committed to help others like you.

I can conclude by saying that I always am thinking how can I use my days, my years, my strengths and my abilities to bring blessings to myself and to others as well. I believe that if you open your hands to others you will receive a great deal in return.

Please join me to educate the Maasai ladies who are facing the same problem as mine.